It's been quiet at Flowers Towers for the last month or so as I've been crazy busy working on my first proper directing job (I've done a few bits a pieces before notably for Maynards Bassets)
It's a sort Scooby Doo meets Yellow Submarine psychedelic adventure featuring the band visiting various location and meeting a whole host of silly characters.

I conceived and storyboarded the video and then working with Julien Becquer and the awesome team at Feed Me Light, working intensively to create the video. It was a super intense period where I created over 200 illustrations in 3 weeks as well as directing the video with Julien. You can watch it here
So many amazing people were involved in the project and it was a real team effort to get it done. Huge thank you to Helen Parker and Everyone Agency for your support and guidance, Julien Becquer and everyone at Feed Me Light for putting together an amazing animation team and all their hard work.
Full credits-
Director: Rob Flowers Animation Director: Julien Becquer
Production Company: Everyone Agency Ltd Executive Producer: Helen Parker Producer: Gemma Jones
Animation Creative Studio: Feed Me Light Feed Me Light Executive Producer: Ryan Goodwin-Smith Feed Me Light Creative Director: Denis Bodart Feed Me Light Producers: Thierry Levy Production Assistant: Mark Mullan
Music: Kaiser Chiefs Record Label: Polydor c/o Universal Music Commissioner: Marco Grey @ Universal
Illustration Designs: Rob Flowers 2D Animatic: Julien Becquer Animation: Julien Becquer, Reg Isaac, Conor Ryan Compositing: Denis Bouyer